Awwww - Josh and Jordan from Frecon!
Peg sharing ingredients for the lemonade - mint, basil and cucumber!
Summer corn at Blueberry Hill
Eat Fruit, Be Happy - that's a simple rule everyone should follow!
Thanks for reminding us Frecon Farm!
Saturn Peaches
Nature's candy!
If you haven't tried them you don't know what you're missing.
Pureblend's new display - looks great!
Shellbark Hollow - more than just cheese!
Blueberry Hill -
And Blackberry, and Raspberry.
Tart options from Market Day Canele
They'll be back next week!
Yummy biscotti from Laura's
She'll be back next week!
John and Kira - - - Chocolate!!!
See ya Thursday!
The first cantaloupes of the season - yes!
Blueberry Hill
Looking good at the EGFM!
Royalty and all!
Livengood Beets!
My House Cookies new Old Fashioned Zucchini Bread!
Burkholder's Organic Okra
Don't turn up your nose - - - great recipes for okra are coming!
Gorgeous pasta from Vera's
Squash from Burkholder's Organics
Have you tried Birchrun Hills Farm Veal
Its fantastic!
I've been trying to get to the market every week this summer! And this Thursday will be the day! :) toddler, baby & husband in tow - we'll be there to check out the goods! So excited!