Tuesday, July 17, 2012

EGFM Photo Album July 12, 2012

Awwww - Josh and Jordan from Frecon!
Peg sharing ingredients for the lemonade - mint, basil and cucumber!
 Summer corn at Blueberry Hill
 Eat Fruit, Be Happy - that's a simple rule everyone should follow!
Thanks for reminding us Frecon Farm!
 Saturn Peaches
Nature's candy!
If you haven't tried them you don't know what you're missing.
 Pureblend's new display - looks great!
 Shellbark Hollow - more than just cheese!
 Blueberry Hill - 
And Blackberry, and Raspberry.
 Tart options from Market Day Canele
They'll be back next week!
 Yummy biscotti from Laura's
She'll be back next week!
 John and Kira - - - Chocolate!!!
See ya Thursday!
 The first cantaloupes of the season - yes!
Blueberry Hill 
 Looking good at the EGFM! 
Royalty and all!
 Livengood Beets!
 My House Cookies new Old Fashioned Zucchini Bread!
 Burkholder's Organic Okra
Don't turn up your nose - - - great recipes for okra are coming!
 Gorgeous pasta from Vera's
 Squash from Burkholder's Organics
 Have you tried Birchrun Hills Farm Veal
Its fantastic!

1 comment:

  1. I've been trying to get to the market every week this summer! And this Thursday will be the day! :) toddler, baby & husband in tow - we'll be there to check out the goods! So excited!
