What a gorgeous day!
Hope you got outside today to enjoy a good does of autumn.
Great day for soup -
A "SOUPER" Sunday!
Today soup features Swiss chard:
I bought beautiful Swiss chard from Blueberry Hill Farm
and this recipe is perfect!
Its a smitch spicy - topped with slivers of jalapeño too!
Vegetarian, hardy, exotic aroma!
I served it up with Indian Cucumber Salad -
helps to cool off the spice.
I added some radishes too:
cucumbers and radishes courtesy of Blueberry Hill.
Some Naan from the grocery was the perfect accompaniment.
I crumbled some of Shellbark Hollow's chèvre inside the pocket.
Mr. Market Manager decided to add some of the cucumber salad
to the pocket of his Naan - not a bad idea!
Positive thoughts go out to Blueberry Hill Farm -
they were in the path of the F1 tornado that hit Lancaster Friday night.
Peg, Clyde and Luke are just fine, the power is back on,
but they are shy 20+ trees that came out by the roots!
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